Safar magazine touches tongues

The new issue of Beirut-based Safar magazine focuses on tongues as a way of telling stories about, “language and communication, food and sustenance… sex and intimacy”. It’s slightly smaller than previous issues, and the cover has been redesigned by Cairo-based studio 40MUSTAQEL, but the mission remains the same as ever, bringing together stories inspired by design, visual culture and social justice from across the Arab world and beyond.
Unsurprisingly, the violence suffered by Palestinians in Gaza plays a strong role in the issue, and in the editorial note the team reflect on what the carnage means for Safar as a magazine: “While so much of indigenous Palestinian knowledge, literature, culture, architecture, and land has been destroyed, we are reminded of our duty not only to continue building an archive of our existence but also to persist in our collective efforts in our fight for liberation.”
I think this cuts to the heart of what the magazine does so well; representing oppressed people and refusing to be silenced, while also having fun along the way, Safar feels fresh, exciting and necessary. Take a look at the video above to see some of my favourite bits from the new issue, and I hope you’ll have the opportunity to pick up a copy for yourself.