Encounter visions of the future in Scenario magazine

Published by the Copenhagen Institute of Futures Studies, each issue of Scenario magazine draws upon the research and insights of that organisation’s experts to present an editorialised and easily digestible package of potential futures. In this issue that means a broad range of potential outcomes spread across subjects like afrofuturism, pornography, big data and the gamification of healthcare.
I’ve been watching Scenario for a couple of years now, and have been impressed by the originality and accessibility of their work (they were commended in the Best Original Non-Fiction category at last year’s Stack Awards) so I was very pleased to send the latest issue out as this month’s Stack delivery. If you’re already a Stack subscriber you’ll have already seen this one for yourself, so check out the video below for my thoughts on the best bits. And if you’re not a Stack subscriber, sign up! We deliver a different independent magazine every month, so while you’ve missed out on the opportunity of having Scenario delivered through your door, we’ll be following up with another surprise title next month.
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