Shaping the future of cannabis in Broccoli magazine

Broccoli magazine bills itself as ‘a magazine for cannabis lovers’, and it’s at the forefront of the emerging cannabis industry. Aspirational and alluring, it’s also socially engaged, and this latest issue asks how diversity and equality should be integrated within the new businesses selling legal weed.
As legalisation in parts of the USA brings cannabis further into the mainstream, we’re seeing a whole genre of independent magazines catering to this newly acceptable pastime (take a look at our Cannabis Collection for three magazines that will give you a quick primer). But such a fundamental shift doesn’t come without some sacrifices, and in this issue various voices line up to argue for what they want to change, and what they say should remain sacred.
Take a look at the video above for a quick taste of this fifth issue, and if you like what you see, head over to the Stack shop to buy a copy while stocks last.