Stack at home — Berlin Quarterly, November 2016

by Grace Wang in December 2016
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Current affairs Literature

Asking the question ‘What does it mean to be human?’ the November 2016 Stack delivery was Berlin Quarterly, an ambitious and sweeping magazine that aims to reflect contemporary culture across Europe and beyond.

Every month, we ask Stack subscribers to send in moments of inspiration that came from the magazines, and to share their experiences with our community of readers. Here are our favourites from November — scroll to the bottom to see the winner, who picks up a special money-can’t-buy Stack t-shirt for their prize…

6. Morning off
Janet goes for brain food while she takes some time off one morning last month.

5. Literary traveller
We loved virtually flying to corners of the world with Berlin Quarterly too…

Cozying up indoors with @berlin_quarterly but travelling the globe through its pages. Thanks @stackmagazines for a great November magazine #journalism #independentmagazines #berlinquarterly #stackmagazine

A photo posted by Kirstin (@kirstinpapworth) on

4. The good kind of surprise
The cover image took this reader’s breath away – photographer Noga Shtainer’s Twins series focuses on the frequency of twin births in a Brazilian village.

3. Matching matcha
Edvinas takes another great image of his Stack delivery — this time with a hot drink to match.

Finishing off the weekend with @berlin_quarterly, a great read and yet another quality print from @stackmagazines. Plus a matching cup of matcha by @matchaeologist 🍵

A photo posted by Founder & Editor @waterjournal (@edvinasbruzas) on

2. Dispersing the creative block
We really fell in love with this dreamy series of aerial photography by Monia Lippi too, especially after learning that they were all (magically) taken from the window seat of commercial airplanes! Thank you for sharing Jade.

#Inspiration comes in many forms, this time it was the monthly surprise from @stackmagazines 👏 Monia Lippi's #at36000feet portfolio in #berlinquarterly is just what I needed to help me through a creative block. Such a beautiful magazine #stackmagazine

A photo posted by Jade Webb (@jadeleighwebb) on

1. The sun will rise in the morning
It’s really important to us that the magazines we send out are inclusive and accessible to all, so it’s really nice to see that Jen appreciated this one. We love the subtle light in the background of her post, reflecting the sun-drenched cover image — a Stack t-shirt is on its way to you!

I'm not usually one for arts review journals, but this one from @berlin_quarterly is a beauty and really accessible for newbies like me. #berlinquarterly #magazine #journal #printsnotdead #stackmagazines #artsandculture #european #literature #photography

A photo posted by Jen Lea (@j3nl3a) on

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