Stack at home: MacGuffin, October 2018

by Karl Smith in November 2018
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We’ve been getting excited about MacGuffin for years. (Three years, to be precise.) It’s a magazine of unique focus, turning its attention to things that no-one necessarily realised needed focusing on at all.

This latest issue offers readers a deep dive into the history of the ball. That’s probably not the sort of thing you thought you’d be reading about, but MacGuffin’s talent for exploring “the life of things” reveals that the ball’s had a pretty interesting time. Who knew?

MacGuffin joined the Stack catalogue back in August and went out to our members last month, in October 2018. Our subscribers loved this perfectly poised piece of print — scroll down to see what some of them thought about their magazines, and our favourite, at the bottom, wins a newly branded Stack t-shirt.

5. The Gourmet
What’s more delicious than a big bowl of MacGuffin? It’s good for you, too.

4. Succulent city
Cacti thrive in dry environments, so we’re not sure how they’ll fare in the presence of MacGuffin.

3. The newbie
We’re always happy to welcome a new subscriber to the Stack family.

2. The ineligible entry
A contribution from Stack’s former editor. Grace isn’t allowed to win — which is a shame for her, really.

1. A little sunshine never hurt anyone
Especially not Norman, our winner this month! We’re sure there’s a smiling face under there somewhere.

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