The Australian magazine of mindful, positive living, becomes the latest addition to the Stack line up
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See the December Stack magazines at home with subscribers, and pick up our special new year discount
The top independent magazine covers of 2014, as voted by fans on Instagram and Twitter
Vote for your favourite magazine cover and you could win a free year's subscription to Stack
Which magazine cover will you pick as the best from November 2014? We've got three beauties to choose from...
Help us find the best cover from October and you could win a year's subscription to Stack
Vote for your favourite magazine cover from September and you could win a year's subscription to Stack
Vote for your favourite cover from August and you could win a year's subscription to Stack
We're past the half way point of our 2014 retrospective - pick your favourite cover for July and you could win a year's subscription to Stack
Vote for your favourite cover from June and you could win a free year's subscription to Stack
Cast a vote for your favourite cover from May and you could win a year of free magazines in 2015
Another day, another selection of magazine covers to choose from. Vote for your favourite to be in with a chance of winning a free Stack subscription
Choose your favourite cover from our March selection and you could win a year's free subscription to Stack
Vote for your favourite magazine cover from February and you could win a year's subscription to Stack
Join our vote to name the magazine covers of the year, and you could win a free Stack subscription every weekday until Christmas