Exploring the erotic with Extra Extra magazine
Samira Ben Laloua is the founder and publisher of Extra Extra, the erotic arts magazine that presents what it calls the “mundane and sensual city life”. The contemporary urban experience is right at the heart of this magazine, and of course that experience is more disrupted now than most people can remember, so I was really interested to hear what they’re doing to adapt and cope with the restrictions surrounding coronavirus.
In her formulation, the erotic is akin to wandering through the streets of a strange city for the first time, actively seeking new experiences and open to their possibilities. As she says, the erotic always carries with it an element of risk, and the current restrictions are making it particularly hard to do anything that’s remotely risky: “At the moment it’s more difficult to be daring…”
We’re releasing our podcasts every fortnight at the moment while I try to squeeze recording and editing in around childcare and the actually important work stuff, so our next episode won’t be out until the middle of May. But we’ve got lots more episodes to keep you going in our archive, so head over to Soundcloud or iTunes to hear loads of independent magazine makers speaking about what they do, and we’ll be back with a new episode in a couple of weeks.