Another party

One of the best things to come out of Wednesday night’s Stack / Le Cool party was meeting Timba Smits, the man behind Australia’s completely amazing Wooden Toy Quarterly. Okay, so it’s not really a quarterly (it comes out pretty much once a year) but it’s worth the wait – the magazine comes packaged in its own cardboard box, which is also stuffed with bits and pieces like zines, posters, and whatever other bits of print Timba has lovingly put together.
He’s been running Wooden Toy in Australia for years now, but has recently made the move over here to launch the magazine properly in the UK. On 2 December he’s throwing a big party at Concrete Hermit in Shoreditch to launch the music edition, and I strongly recommend that you go. He’s going to be commandeering the whole venue and turning it over to his lovely / weird / disconcerting lowbrow art imagination. You don’t want to miss that.