Enjoy Victory with Stack

I posted a few weeks ago about Victory Journal, the brilliant sports magazine made in Brooklyn. It’s one of the best, most beautifully crafted magazines I’ve seen in ages, so I’m very pleased to announce that it has joined the Stack ranks.
I love it when independent magazines come along and fill a niche, and Victory does the job so well it makes you wonder why none of the big publishers have given it a go. There are plenty of mainstream magazines out there about specific sports (step forward golf, football, boating, etc) and the weekend papers do a decent job of covering sports news and features, but none of them can claim to cover the sporting world with half the style and class of Victory. There must surely be advertisers out there wanting to reach a smarter sporting readership.
But this isn’t a magazine driven by commercial imperatives. There’s a decidedly old-fashioned charm to its long, in-depth stories and gorgeous, large-scale photography, which makes sense given that co-founder and creative director Christopher Isenberg says he has always been inspired by the classic era of Esquire and Sports Illustrated, back when they were all about telling big stories with style and substance. If you haven’t already seen it, our interview with him and co-founder Aaron Amaro is well worth a read.
We’re going to give it a couple of months before we send out Victory, but if it looks like the sort of thing you might like, sign up now. We’ve got plenty of other good stuff lined up for the next few months.