Happy accidents

Thanks very much to everyone who came to Printout last night, and especially to Alex, Dan and Davey (pictured second left to right, being frowned at by me). It’s Nice That, Spiel and Boat are all very different magazines doing very different things, but I’d hoped that there would be some overlap in terms of the way they saw the year ahead.
And I wasn’t disappointed. All of them spoke really interestingly about an approach that embraces happy accidents rather than strict planning, preferring to make mistakes and learn from them rather than staying safe and making something more comfortable (and, perhaps, profitable).
Thanks also to Rob, aka Supermundane, who played a brilliant and progressively more barmy set afterwards. I couldn’t help feeling as I slipped off home at 10pm that his music was slightly wasted on an audience still feeling the effects of Christmas and New Year. We’ll definitely have to bring him back later in the year when everyone feels a bit more like staying out late.