Help We Are Here

One of the best things about We Are Here is that it provides a genuine alternative to the mainstream in a part of the world where that’s not always welcome.
Made in Dubai by editor Conor Purcell, it’s a travel magazine that shows a different side to travel – something more personal, romantic and idiosyncratic than reviews of five-star hotels and A-list only restaurants. It’s a great idea but it’s also a risk, and unfortunately the most recent issue has fallen foul of the sensors. Dubai’s National Media Council demanded changes to the magazine, which were duly made. The magazine was sent back for review and a week later a request for more cuts was made.
Faced with the prospect of never-ending cuts, and with his print deadline (timed to coincide with Art Dubai) looming, Conor decided to stop and think again.
The advertisers he had lined up were contingent on the magazine coming out for Art Dubai, so he now has a magazine all ready to go to print, but no funding to actually pay for it. His solution is crowd-funding, with an appeal on Indiegogo. And that means he needs your help.
The first issue of We Are Here was fantastic – a really distinctive, creative travel magazine and a take on Dubai I’d never seen before. I’ve only seen the cover of issue two, but I’m sure it will be another fantastic read. I just pledged my cash, and I hope you’ll do the same. Let’s beat the censors and get this thing printed!