Magazine publishing with the Guardian

by Steve Watson in April 2012
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Are you thinking about starting a magazine? If so you might be interested in the Guardian’s Masterclass on the future of print and digital magazines, happening at Kings Place on Thursday 21 June.

Danny Miller, managing director of The Church of London, will be on hand to talk about the business of making money from independent publishing.

Digital media consultant Alan Rutter will be talking about tablet publishing, based on his experience working on Conde Nast’s stable of iPad magazines.

And I’ll be there too, going over some of the most interesting ways I’ve seen of flogging magazines recently.

It’s the first time the Guardian has run an event based on magazines and I’m really looking forward to it. With a bit of luck we’ll be able to offer some useful advice, and I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll see some brilliant new magazines in the making too.

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