Two new magazines for Stack

by Steve Watson in September 2009
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Dedicated followers will already know that Stack has just welcomed two new magazines to its line up. The Wire and The Ride Journal landed on the site on Monday night night and Tuesday morning respectively, but even if you’ve already clicked on the covers you should take a look at The Wire’s page again, which now includes The Stack Interview with staffer Ben House.

It goes without saying that I’m very excited to welcome both titles to the Stack fold. The Wire has been advertising in Stack for ages now so it’s about time that it was brought on as a fully fledged magazine, complete with its unique biannual Wire Tapper CD. And The Ride Journal is a wonderful new title that has been produced as a real labour of love, but which is seeing steady growth as each issue goes by. Issue three is due out at the end of next month and I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with it.

But of course there’s always room for more great magazines on Stack, so if you know of a title that should be part of the best independent magazine club in the world, drop me a line on

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