Printout – all you can eat

There are loads of really great food and drink magazines around at the moment, so it made sense that we should bring them all together for a special Printout dedicated to our love for reading about eating.
We’ll have Rosa Park from Cereal, Jon Saxon from Doghouse, Fraser Allen from Hot Rum Cow and Paul Sethi from brand new title Special Request, all talking live about their magazines and why they make them. But this is a truly international phenomenon, so we’ll also have special video presentations from the teams on Put A Egg On It (USA) and Mood (Belgium).
It’s going to be a tasting menu of sorts, with each speaker given just a few minutes to explain what their magazine is all about, and leaving plenty of time for the all-important Q&A at the end. Tickets are £5 and they’re on sale now. This is a popular topic, so book ahead to avoid disappointment!