Printout news

by Steve Watson in November 2012
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Thanks to everyone who has already bought tickets to Printout. If you haven’t bought one yet but you’d like to come, you know what to do. We’re expecting to be sold out by Tuesday night so don’t leave it too late.

I’m very pleased to announce that Lucy and Yassa from Juke are going to be on hand to play some music for us (I think this might be the first time we’ve actually had a music magazine play music at Printout – why didn’t we think of that before?) And Lucy’s going to be contributing to the awards as well, nominating a magazine for the audience to vote on.

Speaking of the awards, a trophy has been purchased and is being engraved right now, ready for next week.

And as if that weren’t all exciting enough, we’re going to be handing out free copies of the fantastic Frieze Masters on the night.

So that’s an evening of top-quality magazine talk, plus music played by people who know about music, plus an award, plus a big magazine worth £7.50, all for just £5.

You can’t say fairer than that.

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