Printout: Sound and Vision

by Steve Watson in July 2013
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Online video is booming (did you know that 89 million people in the US are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today? I love Digiday stats lists).

And independent magazines are getting in on the act. Print magazines are using video to tell stories, build community and make money, transferring the skills they’ve honed with words and pictures on a page to make the most of AV on a screen. And then of course there are the magazines that don’t print at all, and instead choose to do all their storytelling via video.

It feels like there’s something happening here, so for the next Printout we’re going to bring together some of the magazines that are making use of video to find out what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. We’ll have the people who made videos for Little White Lies, Oh Comely and Intern, as well as the people from, the digital video magazine.

It’s happening at The Book Club in Shoreditch on Tuesday 23 July, starting at 6.30pm. Tickets are on sale now, and as ever they’re just £5.

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