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Do you want to know what independent publishers are planning for 2012? Of course you do. On Thursday night we’ll be talking to three magazine editors to find out what they’re looking forward to in the year ahead.
There’s Alex Moshakis, editor of It’s Nice That, who will be filling us in on what the magazine / website / events organisers have got coming up next.
Davey Spens from Boat has promised to reveal all about where the next issue will be going and what they’ll be doing differently this year.
And Dan Byrne of Liverpool-based football magazine Spiel will be sharing the secrets of how they got big name advertisers from issue one, and how they’re planning to do even better before they reach their first birthday.
Oh, and Supermundane, the design hands behind Fire & Knives, Anorak and Cagoule, will be playing music. Come along, get inspired and make overly ambitious plans about what you’re going to do in the next 12 months. Tickets cost £5 and are available to buy now.