Quick flick – Uppercase

by Andy in November 2011
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Look at this little guy! He was made to be on the cover of a magazine! Dapper pooch Lincoln, shot by animal photographer Christine Edwards, is celebrating the tenth issue of Uppercase, a quarterly craft, fashion and design journal. Published in Canada, the magazine celebrates inspiring creative figures and discusses temporal design trends. Think Creative Review’s kooky Canadian cousin.

Issue 10 explores a couple of apparently unrelated themes. There are pets, and lots of them (hence Lincoln). They’ve been photographed, illustrated, even rendered in plush 3D – Sian Keegan crafts cuddly versions of people’s pets from her Brooklyn apartment.

But there’s also a theme of truth and fiction, and several articles explore the way that creative ventures can blur the line between the two. For example, this lovely typographic spread brings together some of the world’s most famous made up places.

And then there’s a piece inspired by Art Spiegelman’s Maus, showcasing books that are classed as neither fact nor fiction.

Uppercase is a delightful magazine, with fun miscellany and quirky tidbits blended among intelligent longform writing and photography-led pieces. Issue 11 is out now and issue 12 will be with us in January.

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