
Kelly Carambula
Remedy Quarterly (USA)
Why did you start a food magazine?
After tossing around a few ideas, we felt like a magazine (rather than a book) would be a better outlet to share not only home remedies, but also home recipes like the ones found in community cookbooks. From that point on, community cookbooks became our primary inspiration, from the types of comfort-driven recipes we share to the design of the magazine.
Who are your readers?
Most of our readers love food and love to cook. I think they range from people who are just getting into cooking, perhaps trying out family recipes for the first time, to grandmas who’ve been cooking forever. We also have people who are reading Remedy Quarterly more for the stories rather than the food.
What’s so special about food writing?
I love that recipes and food can reveal so much about people. Everyone has food memories and can really relate to stories about food, whether it’s that perfect stew that dad always made or trying to recreate a lost recipe. Plus I think that writing (and reading) about people’s food memories is really comforting.
Why are independent food magazines so popular at the moment?
I think this relates to why I like writing about food, but again, it’s a comfort thing. In a world where so much of what we do is on the computer, it’s nice to sit down on the couch and get lost in a magazine. I also think independent food magazines bring a different, perhaps more down-to-earth perspective than the mainstream magazines.