Spoiler alert!

We normally try to keep the contents of a Stack delivery secret so as not to spoil your monthly magazine surprise, but this month is a bit of an exception.
As well as the main magazine (which shall remain unnamed) we’re sending out a free copy of Intern. A brand new independent magazine dedicated to the people who work for free in the creative industries, Intern is currently in prototype and the copy you receive from Stack this month is an issue zero, printed quickly and cheaply on newsprint as something of a statement of intent.
To make the magazine for real will take some startup capital, and that’s why I’m posting about it now. Because today a Kickstarter campaign went live, with the aim of raising enough money to make issue one of Intern and turn it into a proper, ongoing magazine. So if you like what you see in your Stack delivery this month (or if you just like the look of the cover above) head on over to the Kickstarter page and show your support in pounds and pence.
Good luck Alec and everyone else involved with Intern. I’m looking forward to seeing issue one for real.