Stack at home: Eye on Design, April 2019

by Kitty Drake in May 2019
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Art & design Everything

Published in New York by the august AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), for its fourth issue, Eye on Design turns its attention to the thorny topic of worth. From the ethics of working for Google, to the visual language of 70s hip hop flyers, the focus, as ever, is on the design world — an industry where the value a designer places on their work is almost inextricable from the value they place on themselves. As editor Perrin Drumm concludes her opening letter: “When it comes to design and creativity, financial worth and self-worth are two sides of the same coin.”

Peppered with tiny price stickers and quotes that snake their way around the page, this is a playful, inventive issue — a magazine we’re especially proud to have delivered to Stack subscribers. Particularly as in the shops it costs £20, so fittingly, you’re getting your money’s worth.

Below are some of our favourite responses sent in from Stack readers around the world. And right at the bottom, you’ll find our April subscriber of the month…

5. “Pure visual joy!”

We agree. It really is.

4. Eyeballs

Stack alumni Gym Class Magazine have picked up on the eyeball theme.

3. Inspiration

We’re loving this gallery of inspirational quotes from the issue, from branding studio Sail Creative.

2. Salad days

Dreamy reading setup (and wall decor) going on here.

1. Bathtime

This month’s winner is Alex Bee, who knows the value of good bathtime reading.


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A post shared by ALEX BEE (@beealex) on Apr 9, 2019 at 10:19am PDT

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