Gym Class volume 2 issue 1
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Jan 2019

Gym Class has nothing to do with either sports or schools. Instead, this new iteration of the 10-year-old project repackages previously published stories around the theme of magazines. Drawing upon brilliant writing from august institutions, indie favourites and international upstarts, there’s a wonderful magpie-like quality to the magazine making, with the character of the original pieces shining through in this new setting.
Steven Gregor
Job title
Editor, publisher and reluctant creative director
What is Gym Class?
Gym Class Magazine is a general interest culture title. Each issue takes a theme and presents a carefully curated reading list of 10 previously-published articles on that theme.
What makes it different to the rest?
Gym Class Magazine does not chase trends, is not especially interested in the zeitgeist, and has no social agenda. I think that makes it pretty rare.
Who makes Gym Class?
I do. With the help of a guest creative director. My husband also helps out with subbing.
Who reads it?
I do. Many times. I’d like Gym Class Magazine to be a must-read for editors and writers and a must-have for art directors and designers. It would be nice if the art directors and designers read it too, but I’m a realist.
Why do you work in magazines?
I enjoy good writing and clever art direction. Plus, it’s fun.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
I earn a crust as a freelance editorial designer. I’d like to do more freelance writing. I also edit and publish a horror movie fanzine called What Monster.
What would you change about Gym Class if you could?
The frequency. I’d love for Gym Class Magazine to be quarterly. Making a bit of money would be nice too.
Where do you see Gym Class in five years?
I’d love to see Gym Class Magazine casually under the arm of someone I admire, snapped by a street photographer, and posted on some website that young people read. That would be fun.
Gym Class Magazine syndicates its editorial from other publications. It would be a blast if writers were proud to have their work re-published in Gym Class Magazine.
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