Stack reviews Muff magazine

by Steve Watson in March 2014
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Like so many other independent magazines, Muff is a response to the mainstream. Finding other gay magazines too cliquey (and too fixated on sex toy advertising) Kate Bond and Elisabeth Bukanova decided to make a magazine that reflects their experience of being gay.

I really loved the warmth and humour of issue one, so was very excited to receive issue two – their self-styled “love letter to the world”. It might be something to do with the number of hand-written features, but this one feels a bit rougher than the first – slightly sketched, whereas the first was polished.

But within that they’ve once again made an open, inclusive magazine that’s chock-full of positivity without ever feeling sappy or trite. I can’t think of many other magazines that do such a good job of that, presenting the joy and sorrow of our relationships in such a simple, essentially human way.

Warning: Lovers of bald cats might want to skip the end of the video to avoid my tirade against putting weird scrawny animals on magazine covers. But it’s the truth.

Two-Minute Magazines #18: Muff from Steven Watson on Vimeo.


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