White Lies TV

by Steve Watson in May 2009
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Wow. Hopefully you’ll have seen the first attempt at Stack video (I’ve had lots of positive comments, so watch out for more POV magazine flicking in the next few weeks) but in the meantime, click on the video above and marvel at the ambition of Little White Lies, taking web TV to a whole different level.

Their start and end titles are completely beautiful, not that we’d expect any less, and the comments from JJ Abrams are pretty solid, though I’d like to hear some of the questions being put to him too – more like White Lies in conversation with him, rather than just him holding forth. This is apparently just the first step into TV for the independent magazine, and I’ll be following their progress closely to see where they go next.

Good in the US is another independent magazine with brilliant video content, and of course Bad Idea had their whole Printomortis mini-series, but what other independents are out there making good web TV? If you know of some, send them in and if there are enough I’ll do a round up of independent mags on TV.

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