Movie love on the pages of Shelf Heroes magazine

Driven by the passion of film fans, Shelf Heroes magazine moves through the alphabet one letter at a time, challenging writers, illustrators and artists to create something based on the movies they love. Eight issues in, the latest issue is dedicated to films starting with the letter ‘H’, and as you can see from the video above it’s yielded a bumper crop of great work that draws from movies including Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, La Haine and Hot Fuzz (is it really the ultimate anti-Brexit film?).
We delivered this one to Stack subscribers in November 2018, so if you haven’t already held it in your hands that means you’re probably not a Stack subscriber. You can fix that by signing up today – use the code STACKSAVER to get 10% off our regular prices, and we’ll drop a different independent magazine through your door every month.