Stack reviews Alquimie

by Steve Watson in March 2014
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Making these videos has really helped me to appreciate the power of a shiny cover. Just look at the way the Alquimie masthead catches the light. Lovely stuff.

As ever, I need to apologise for an error in this week’s video. Around the one minute mark I talk about a feature comparing Portuguese wine growing regions, when the story is in fact comparing the grapes rather than the regions. The mistake comes in part from my usual difficulty with speaking and moving my hands at the same time, but I should also say that Alquimie is a difficult magazine to talk about!

This is a magazine that cares about doing things properly, and its absolute determination not to dumb its subject down results in a complex and intricate magazine. It’s a fantastically ambitious new title, and as the video says, it’s well worth checking out this second issue.

Because one error in a video is never enough. The link to Alquimie at the end of the video should actually read

Two-Minute Magazines #17: Alquimie from Steven Watson on Vimeo.

So that’s our version, but Alquimie have made their own, longer, more detailed version. Enjoy!

Alquimie, Edition Two Preview from Alquimie on Vimeo.


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