Fare issue 5
Delivered to Stack subscribers in
Jul 2019

Fare sets off for a different destination each issue — since launching in 2017 it has reported on the food cultures of Istanbul, Helsinki, Charleston and Seoul, and for this latest issue they switch their focus to Glasgow. Arriving there as a student 10 years ago, editor Ben Mervis says he fell in love and began making plans almost immediately for how he could stay there permanently (the cover shot for this issue was taken in his favourite local pub). Explorations of the local cuisine (think traditional Hogmanay black buns, the Punjabi food in Ranjit’s Kitchen and stereotypical Scottish treats like caramel wafers and Irn Bru) are interspersed with asides and diversions, for example on Glasgow’s association with world-famous figures like Nelson Mandela, or the loving profile of a humble tailor who once played in The Beatstalkers, one-time rivals to The Beatles.
Ben Mervis
Job title
What is Fare?
Fare is a food-focused travel magazine that explores a single city through its intersection of food, history, and community.
What makes it different to the rest?
The balance of content. Each issue of the magazine is about one city, and sure, on the surface, most of our features explore local topics through food. But we make sure that the fabric of each issue is woven with more than just food; whether that’s music, local traditions or conversations with luminaries, artists, and writers. Those non-food pieces are looking to explore the very same facets of the city.
Who makes Fare?
Myself, my art director Ric, and a team of photographers, illustrators, and writers. Every issue we shake up the team and recruit as many locals (to that new city) as possible.
Who reads it?
The average reader is someone who loves to travel, and digests culture through food. But they’re not one dimensional either, they’re curious about a lot of elements of culture, and we try and account for that in the breakdown/balance of content.
Why do you work in magazines?
I love print, and I love to create. Our magazine could have been so many things, but I had to make one.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
I’m a food writer, and do research and consulting for Netflix’s Chef’s Table. I also do the same sort of work for fine dining restaurants throughout Europe.
What would you change about Fare if you could?
Good question. I’d love to have more time to really push the boat out with it, and spend more time in development with each issue. With a bigger team/longer production time per issue I feel I could do even more.
Where do you see Fare in five years?
Still developing, still pushing, hopefully! I think we’ve gathered a really great core following of subscribers, and I want to keep the magazine developing with each issue. We’ll see how that manifests with Issue 6. I’m excited!
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