Fukt 19
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Dec 2020
Fukt is the Berlin-based magazine about drawing and this issue focuses on the theme of narrative, with editor Björn Hegardt using his introduction to acknowledge “the sheer vastness” of the task that he and his team set themselves. The artists featured expand the definitions of what a story can be, with the animator Miodrag Manojlovic pointing to the ways that drawing connects him with his ancestry, and the cartoonist Chris Ware reflecting that comics are “a sort of ‘feedback loop’ between the sheet of paper and my eyes, mind and memories”.
These echoes and associations run through the entire issue, bouncing around between the many different artists and creating a wonderfully rich and intimate picture of what it means to work as an artist today. With so many different styles to accommodate, Fukt’s own design approach has to remain restrained, but it still carries a strong personality thanks to its big, characterful headline font and the clever, concertina cover, which allows designer Ariane Spanier to set the magazine’s tone from the start.
Björn Hegardt
Job title
What is Fukt?
A magazine dedicated to drawing and illustration, with a new theme for each issue and intimate conversations with both established and emerging international artists.
What makes it different to the rest?
It’s one of the very few international drawing magazines, and each issue comes with a unique cover design.
Who makes Fukt?
We’re a small team and we all work on the content together. I am the editor, Ariane Spanier is the designer and junior editor for the last three issues has been Alice Finney.
Who reads it?
Artists, designers, illustrators and everyone interested in any of these fields.
Why do you work in magazines?
It’s a great medium to reach out to a bigger audience, and to promote the medium that we love; drawing.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
I am an artist, doing drawing and installations myself, so when I’m not working on the magazine I am in my studio preparing for exhibitions.
What would you change about Fukt if you could?
Since we are independent we can change everything as we like. But of course, we do have budget limits — that would be great to change!
Where do you see Fukt in five years?
Fukt will be bigger, better, stronger and more beautiful than ever.
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