Isolarii 6
Delivered to Stack subscribers in  Nov 2021

by Heval Okcuoglu in December 2021
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Isolarii is a publishing project that launched last year, reimagining an obscure Renaissance literary genre of ‘island books’ for the 21st century. As the blurb on the outside of the packet explains, “each book in this series is an island, a world encapsulated. Together, these form an archipelago of the most groundbreaking cultural forces — emerging and established — across continents and disciplines.”

Previous issues have included new Russian feminist poetry, avant-garde Chinese fiction and Art Spiegelman’s first new work in over a decade; and this beautiful blue issue is themed around the Archipelago (making it particularly relevant to the island-theme).


India Ennenga and Sebastian Clark

Job title

What is Isolarii?
Isolarii is a project to bring together today’s global avant-garde: the people radically preserving democracy, autonomy, and the environment through both direct action and poetic means.

What makes it different from the rest?
The scale. As a series, they are the most experimental pieces of literature by the most radical figures of our times. And the experience is one of heterogeneity, and continual surprise.

Who makes Isolarii?
They are printed in Vicenza, edited and published by us, with design by Ben Ganz, and photography by Luke Libera Moore.

Who reads it?
We’ve only operated a year, but like our authors, the Isolarii community is international; mostly 18-35 year olds and artistically adventurous.

Why do you work in magazines?
To work with great people. And because we believe there can be great poetry in publishing, which can bring meaning to a lot of people’s lives.

Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?

What would you change about Isolarii if you could?
Having to deal with the fickle nature of international customs!

Where do you see Isolarii in five years?
As a thriving, autonomous community, experiencing culture (beyond literature) in sync, and making space for a world of many worlds.

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