The Fence 20
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by Steve Watson in September 2024
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Tapping into its network of contributors, The Fence takes readers off the beaten path and into worlds they wouldn’t normally encounter. That might mean glimpsing the murky amorality of corporate intelligence, or dipping into the high-rolling precarity of the art market, but The Fence’s writers will always give an entertaining, warts-and-all account of their experiences.

Charlie Baker

Job title

What is The Fence?
A quarterly print magazine comprising fiction, investigations, essays, humour – all threaded with a playful touch.

What makes it different from the rest?
Our orange-and-black palette.

Who makes The Fence?
Me, Kieran Morris, Mathias Clottu, Róisín Lanigan, Fergus Butler-Gallie and Séamas O’Reilly.

Who reads it?
Novara subscribers and Telegraph subscribers. Everyone is welcome.

Why do you work in magazines?
A very good question.

Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
I have little time for anything else as I am the only full-time employee. I write for The Face and Country Life when I can.

What would you change about The Fence if you could?
I would like us to have 50,000 subscribers.

Where do you see The Fence in five years?
With 50,000 subscribers.

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