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Imported from India, these three magazines give a flavour of the indie publishing boom happening in the country right now. This is an opportunity for readers to pick up a collection of magazines you would not usually be able to get your hands on. Read on to find out more about our selection…


Concorde issue 9

36 pages | 21cm x 15cm | Published in Hyderabad


Concorde aims to bring photo stories from India to photography enthusiasts worldwide. Concentrating on just one subject per issue, this edition, ‘Abandoned’, takes forgotten vehicles, once loved but now left to rust, as a metaphor for urban consumerism.


The Gaysi Zine issue 4

122 pages | 23.5cm x 17cm | Published in Delhi


Gaysi Family collates the voices of desis (people from the South Asian subcontinent) who identify as LGBTQ. This issue — a graphic anthology of queer narratives — offers a historic context to homosexuality in India.


Kokaachi: Mixtape issue 3

108 pages | 22cm x 15.5cm | Published in Kerala


An anthology of black and white comics, Mixtape’s third issue is all about love. Couples fall for one another in unexpected places on these pages: junk shops, and dumpling restaurants and mental asylums.

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