Sampler: Same Old #24
Phew, what a cover! And there will be no respite inside this new issue of Same Old, where stories on skateboarding culture are crammed as tight as these desktop screenshots. My skateboarding enthusiasm peters out after Lords of Dogtown, but somehow, the head-spinning storytelling of this magazine draws me in every time.
Collages, old magazine cut-outs, found images, fan letters — like a teenage bedroom wall, Same Old’s obsessive love for skateboarding is restless, nostalgic, and very contagious. You get a real sense that the editors have turned over every archive, and just can’t wait to show you the great stuff they’ve found — head over to Sampler to secure your copy.

In this issue:
— A tribute to the style and sneaker writer Gary Warnett
— A 1984 Tony Hawk interview
— Tony Alva’s 1978 photographs of London skateboarders
— Fan photos and letters sent to pro skater John Lucero in the 1980s
— And a 1994 article on the death of Jeff Phillips from Rolling Stone Magazine

Sampler is the only place to find out about new magazines and order them for 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK, Europe, and subsidised shipping everywhere else. But we have limited copies available, so hurry!