Sampler: Mondial magazine

by Stine Fantoft Berg in June 2016
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A beautiful and wide-ranging magazine published by cycling brand Rapha, Mondial was one of our top launches from last year. Now onto its third issue, the project has already become a firm favourite with bike fans, but it also appeals to more general readers who come for the quality storytelling and beautiful design.

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In this issue:
– Meet the pro racers and playboys who call Monaco home
– Slow down and discover the consciousness of plants
– Take a dip in the toxic mix of sport and big money
– And learn how the ‘streaming generation’ accelerated the demise of music’s insurgent tribes

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As ever with Sampler, you get 10% off the cover price, plus free delivery to the UK, Europe and USA, and subsidised delivery everywhere else. If you want to get your hands on a copy, head over to the Sampler page and place your order.

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