Stack at home: Oh-So, January 2020

by Kitty Drake in February 2020
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Outdoors Sport Women

Oh–So — a magazine celebrating girls who skate –was one of last year’s most distinctive and immediately impressive new magazines; it won Launch of the Year at our Stack Awards in November, and we were very pleased to deliver it as our first magazine of 2020.

Oh–So makes for a particularly appropriate January delivery, because this is a magazine of beginnings. The women and girls on its pages all speak about how they started skating, remembering not just their first boards, but also the people who helped them along the way. This could be a little sentimental but Oh So doesn’t feel that way. Partly that’s down to designer and publisher Rob Hewitt’s way of laying out the pages: we love the big, disruptive drop caps and virtually illegible headlines that stomp their way through the start of each interview and feature, and the long pull quotes that weave their way around the pages as if following the gliding line of a skateboarder on the move. And the photography does an excellent job of bringing the reader up close, showing both the dramatic acrobatics and the unguarded individuality of the skaters themselves.

4. Unboxing

A nice clean shot of Oh-So fresh out of its envelope.

3. Plant life

We like the way Rodrigo has arranged Oh-So on this beautifully verdant table.

2. The natural 

The close up of the cover gives a sense of the skateboarder’s easy grace.

1. Video reviews

We’re obsessed with Nicola Hamilton’s long and very detailed series of videos reviewing Oh–So on Instagram Stories last month. A Stack t-shirt is on its way to you now Nicola!


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