A moment in technology

Launched in 2014, Holo is a magazine that maps the meeting places of technology, art and wider culture. A big, beautiful lavish magazine, it provides a unique perspective partly by slowing things down – technology is notoriously fast, but Holo’s second issue came out in 2016, and issue three appeared just a couple of months ago.
Looking back on those first two issues they’re still packed with fascinating, challenging ideas, and while the technology has definitely moved on in places, the questions they raise remain as relevant as ever. I think the team has leaned even further into that timelessness with this latest issue, which includes a selection of archive texts, taken from as long ago as the 1960s. The texts appear at the start of each chapter, and the message seems to be that when dealing with the cutting edge of technology, it’s not a bad idea to look back before you try to look forward.
By extension the whole magazine can be seen as an artefact of our time – a publication about this technological moment that is made to be read today, but which also anticipates readers who will pick it up years from now. Take a look at the video above to see how the design and production of the magazine seem to fit that long-term view, and to get a sense of what the magazine is all about.