Tapping into the future of business with Courier magazine

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by Steve Watson in June 2018
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Jeff Taylor is the founder of Courier, the London-based magazine dedicated to covering startup culture. Launched in 2013 as a free title given away in coffee shops and co-working spaces, it recently navigated the tricky transition to a paid-for model, and issue 23 is printing as I type this, with 60,000 copies soon on their way to retailers and subscribers around the world.

But as Jeff explains in the podcast below, print is not sacred to Courier’s mission, and while he values it as, “an immersive, evocative but still authoritative long-form format”, he is also excited about the opportunities afforded by the brand’s events, email newsletter and podcast. Independent magazines tend to be powered more by passion than cold hard cash, and while there’s no doubting Jeff’s dedication to Courier, it’s also refreshing to hear him speaking as a businessman who is determined to make money from his magazine and wider media brand.

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