Video review: The Exposed magazine

by Steve Watson in January 2017
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This month’s Stack delivery was The Exposed, a print magazine based in Copenhagen that tells its stories through audio and video. I’m normally quite suspicious of pointing my phone at a printed page because the results can tend to distract from the magazine itself, but The Exposed uses its digital content to draw the reader / viewer / listener further into the experience; sort of like listening to a podcast while also looking at accompanying pictures.

It’s also a real relief that the app just works – the whole process is brilliantly smooth, which again removes potential barriers and pulls you into the magazine. If anything I’d love to see them doing even more with the technology – for example the content associated with the cover image leaps straight to the corresponding story inside, but it would be interesting to see what they could have done to create ‘cover’ content. Or similarly there are other pages and pieces of content that could trigger little surprise pieces of content – the sort of Easter eggs that help to show the personality of the magazine itself.

I was really excited to send this one out as the first delivery of 2017, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the team does next. And don’t forget, of course, that if you want to receive a different independent title like The Exposed magazine every month, sign up for Stack and wait to see what next month brings…

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