Shortlist: Best Use of Photography
On Monday and Tuesday this week we took a look at the Best Original Non-Fiction and Fiction categories, so now we’re leaving words behind to focus on Best Use of Photography.
The judges for this category will be Ben Hillwood Harris, owner of the Artwords emporium of magazines and art books, and Siobhán Bohnacker, a senior photo editor at The New Yorker, where she commissions original photography for the magazine. We’re really looking forward to seeing what they make of this lot…
212 | Istanbul
This large-format magazine based out of Turkey takes its name from the area code for Istanbul, which is also the code for New York — an editorial decision to characterise the magazine’s trans-national ethos. “Big, bold and satisfying, the imagery throughout the issue is impressive in execution and reproduction” — see more on magCulture.
Accent | London
“Accent Magazine is an online quarterly that celebrates the lives of people who dare to buck the conventions of the mainstream” — read the interview with creators Lydia Garnett and Lucy Nurnberg on VICE.

Brownie | Shanghai
This bilingual title tells intimate stories of photographers and their process. Watch our video review below.
Concorde | Hyderbad
Street barbers and Metro construction are just a couple of the themes this photography publication has focused on. See the review on Archive Collective, about how they’re “sharing intimate social narratives”.
Drift | New York
Each issue, Drift visits a different city in search of coffee culture and how it brings communities together.
The Exposed | Copenhagen
Exploring the boundaries between print and digital, find out why this magazine comes with an app in our interview with founder Henrietta Kruse.

Feelings | Paris
A magazine that saves all of its written content for the back cover, Feelings is a playful look at photography.
Four & Sons | Victoria
“Dog lovers, this magazine’s for you” — See more on Refinery29
Gather Journal | New York
Part art and food magazine, part recipe book, Gather Journal is a favourite amongst magaholics and culinary fanatics alike. Watch our review of their ‘origin’ issue below.
The Gentlewoman | London
Published twice a year, The Gentlewoman focuses on women with purpose. Read our interview with editor Penny Martin and watch our video review of their Kirsten Dunst issue below.
Good Sport | Melbourne
A magazine themed around sports but focused on intimate, inspiring human stories, this is an antidote to media-driven, jock-y coverage of sport. Read our interview with editor Ben Clement.
OE Magazine | Berlin
This magazine is a platform for the fashion talent of Germany, and in particular, Berlin. It largely refrains from describing trends, focusing instead on showing fashion splashed across its beautiful pages.

Ordinary | Amsterdam
20 photographers create images based on everyday objects provided by the magazine each issue. “Ordinary magazine from Amsterdam subverts and revitalises the freebie trope” — read more on magCulture, or watch our review of the plastic cutlery issue below.
Pollen | New York
This magazine takes a philosophical theme for each issue. Issue two, with the theme Creaturely Life, looks into the relationship between humans and animals. It’s Nice That describes it as, “A bold and sometimes grotesque experience, with graphic and unflinching work.”
The Smart View | Hamburg
This is a print title that showcases mobile photography from around the world. Read editor Rosa Roth’s interview on C41, in which she explains the desire to provide a view on the “new generation of photographers and a reflection of our present age.”
Victory Journal | New York
“Although punctuated with long-form writing, it’s the imagery that’s the big appeal—it’s the antithesis of the internet slideshow” — see more of magCulture founder Jeremy Leslie’s review.
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