Stack Christmas cover challenge

by Steve Watson in November 2014
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Every year one of my favourite covers is the Radio Times Christmas Special. But what would happen if independent magazines released their own Christmas covers?

We want to find out, so we’re asking you to create a Christmas cover for your favourite Stack magazine. You could go for a subtle twist on a real cover they produced this year, or you could let your imagination run wild with an orgy of Santas and snowmen – the choice is yours.

We’ll pick our favourite cover and will print it full size on the December envelopes. The winning artist will also receive a free year’s subscription to Stack, plus a £150 cash prize to help take care of their Christmas shopping.

Interested? Here are the rules…

1. The magazine you choose must be in the current Stack line up.
2. Your artwork must include the magazine’s logo.
3. You can only use one colour – black. You can use pens, Illustrator, or any other tools you want, as long as we can print it in black on our envelopes.
4. Your design should work to the aspect ratio of the magazine you choose, and will be printed at approximately 300mm tall.
5. Your artwork should be emailed to us as a high resolution flattened jpeg by 12pm GMT on Thursday 20th November. The winner will be announced and the artwork sent to print on Friday 21st.

Good luck!

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