Stack at home – January’s top 10 pictures

by Steve Watson in January 2014
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I love seeing Stack in the wild, so it’s been great to watch this month’s magazines popping up in so many tweets and instagrams over the last week. It might be a bit premature to call this the top 10 for the entire month, but I couldn’t wait. Needless to say, please do keep your pictures coming!

And congratulations to Faye and her gonk, who win a Stack t-shirt for collaborating on this month’s top picture. Watch out for another Stack photo top 10 next month, with prizes for the most creative compositions…

10. Apple desktop publishing

9. Magazines push book out of the picture

8. Extreme cosiness on a Saturday morning

7. Woman dwarfed by reading material

6. Saturday = Stackerday

5. Home office overrun

4. A rare inside spread

3. Stack snapped in bed

2. Free with coffee

1. All hail the gonk!

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