Stack Student Union update

by Steve Watson in October 2014
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Do you study journalism / graphic design / publishing / photography / illustration / typography / any other magazine-related subject?

If so, you might want to sign up to the Stack Student Union. It’s completely free to join, and if you get your lecturer / course leader to make contact by email, I’ll set them up with a free Stack subscription so you and your fellow students can get hold of the magazines we send out.

A place for people working on related courses to share their work, ask questions and exchange ideas, the Stack Student Union is essentially a big Google+ group connecting students all around the country, but we’re also using it as a forum for exclusive access to some of the world’s most exciting magazine makers.

To that end, I’m very pleased to announce that Danny Miller, founder of Little White Lies, CEO of creative agency Human After All, and publisher of new magazine Weapons of Reason, will be speaking to Stack Student Union in a live hangout next Tuesday, 4 November at 2pm. A panel of students will put their questions to him in the hangout, which will be broadcast live on YouTube to Stack Student Union members, and we have one place left on the panel.

So if you’re working on a magazine-related project at the moment and you want to get Danny’s input, if you’re a magazine fan who wants to say hello to a publishing great, or if you just want to watch the live broadcast, sign up today. Simply go to Google+, search for “Stack Student Union” and request access to the private group, and I’ll let you in.

Come join the fun…

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