Sampler: The Gentlewoman #17

by Grace Wang in February 2018
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Personal style is the perspective through which The Gentlewoman builds their impressive publication. From the candour in their interviews to the observant sartorial features, every page of this magazine for modern women pivots upon individuality and personality.

This hot-off-the-press issue sees actress Allison Janney on the cover, and you’ll find profiles of filmmakers, musicians, artists and more, among their iconic columns and fabulous features. Scroll down to see some sample content, and head over to Sampler to order your copy for free shipping.


In this issue:

— Six sets of sisters model dynamic denim on the streets of their home town, New York City (above)
— Anthea Hamilton talks about her upcoming commission for Tate Britain
— Shirin Neshat, the eminent Iranian artist and filmmaker
— The rise of the long sock
— Pixies bassist, the infinity-cool Kim Deal is back
— And Tavi Gevinson, from bedroom blogger to new-media mogul

kim-deal-the-gentlewoman-17-allison-janney shirin-nesat-the-gentlewoman-17-allison-janney the-gentlewoman-17-sisters-allison-janney

Browse more spreads of the magazine and order a copy over at Sampler. As always, you’ll get free shipping to the US, UK and Europe and 10% off the cover price. But hurry, there are limited numbers available, and this will likely sell out…

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