Stack reviews Offscreen

by Steve Watson in May 2014
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It had to happen eventually. I’ve talked about Offscreen in these videos before, but I’m turning to Kai Brach’s excellent magazine for a second time for two reasons.

Firstly, this is the magazine we sent out this month and I think it’s good to show people the sort of stuff we actually deliver to people’s houses. (If you’re reading this and you’re not a Stack subscriber, what are you waiting for?)

And secondly, I was really interested to read Kai’s editor’s note in this issue, which goes into some detail on why he makes the magazine in the first place. It’s the tone of his reasoning that interests me – there’s a sense of responsibility, and of that responsibility sometimes weighing heavy on his head, and on those of the people featured in the magazine. The web is such a dominant force today and has recently been very publicly used for ill on several occasions, but for Kai (and, I suspect, many of the people he profiles) there’s a greater calling, and a belief the web could be the key to a better world.

Two-Minute Magazines #27: Offscreen from Steven Watson on Vimeo.


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