Insider: Alquimie magazine
Anyone who has made their own magazine will tell you how much hard work is involved, but for some independent publishers there are also some pretty amazing perks. Josh Elias is editor of Australia’s Alquimie, a magazine dedicated to the history and culture of drinks and drinking, which sounds to us like a lot of fun.
But what really goes into the making of Alquimie? We asked Josh to give us the inside line.

In the making of this issue we…

A few fine tequilas and a couple of hedonistic grenache wines.
Copious amounts of oozy Mauri Taleggio with a crunchy, salty cave-ripened rind.

My trusty Zoom H1 recorder.
To the Mornington Peninsula to make olive oil and drink some pinot noir.

To cup coffee and discern regional origin.

Sleep. Much of it.

Were excited about
Joost Bakker’s vision for a zero wastage existence.

Shed tears
When we received Matt Wilson’s photography of the Chilean wine industry after the Earthquake.

Were relieved that
We were able to do justice to the best food / wine happenings in Australia at present in our 64-page supplement The Australian Table.

And you should buy a copy because
Your eating and drinking experience will be richer for it. We celebrate the culture around the dining table.
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