Elephant issue 16
Delivered to Stack subscribers in
Oct 2013

Everything about Elephant is special, from its in-depth art coverage to its lovely cloth spine (the loveliness of which, sadly, never comes across online). Each quarterly issue follows a theme, which the team uses as a jumping off point to present wonderfully thoughtful arts coverage and beautiful photography in a genuinely exceptional editorial package.
Marc Valli
Job title
What is Elephant?
A magazine exploring new trends and ideas in the contemporary visual arts.
What makes it different to the rest?
The fact that it is not a ‘specialist’ art magazine, but tries to look at our visual art landscape as a whole, avoiding labels such as ‘contemporary art’ or ‘commercial art’, and looking at, for example, the connections between art photography and fashion photography, or how artists will collaborate with graphic designers, etc.
Who makes Elephant?
A small team based in London, with a network correspondents in the US, the rest of Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Who reads it?
Readership varies from practicing artists and curators to professionals in visual communication (art directors, illustrators, graphic and fashion designers, etc.)
Why do you work in magazines?
Because I like to feel like a researcher in a lab where one can constantly test new ideas and try things out. And also because a magazine is like a party, where you meet lots of other people from different backgrounds – including a few gate crashers (often the most interesting encounters).
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
In Magma and Laurence King publishing, commissioning, writing and editing art books, commissioning and editing a product list and running a retail company. Every now and then, I take some time off to try and write a novel (so far unsuccessfully).
What would you change about Elephant if you could?
I would make it broader, with a bigger team. I would then also make it monthly (without making it any smaller).
Can you pick a favourite issue?
Issue 5, with a special focus on collage
Where do you see Elephant in five years?
As a wider platform, with its own website, its own shows and its own book list.
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