Hinterlands 3
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Feb 2023

Published in Berlin, printed in Lithuania, and featuring stories from all around Europe, Hinterlands is a magazine that tells uncommon stories from across the continent. Its strapline is ‘Magazine for Rural Realities’, and its articles are gathered from the fields and villages of the European countryside, “focusing on the non-center, the remote, the periphery”. It’s an approach that prioritises the outsider’s point of view, allowing the flexibility to reconsider what rural realities might mean in different contexts.
Maike Suhr, Hanna Döring and Freia Kuper
Job title
Editors / publishers
What is Hinterlands?
Hinterlands is a print magazine for rural realities that presents stories and images from Europe’s countrysides. Each issue features a different colour, which serves as a red / blue / orange thread to connect the wide variety of contributions.
What makes it different to the rest?
Our focus on rural places but with a transnational approach.
Who makes Hinterlands?
Maike Suhr, Hanna Döring and Freia Kuper are founders and editors of the magazine, and Till Hormann does the graphic design. For each issue, we collect contributions through an open call.
Who reads it?
People who want to get a glimpse of what’s happening beyond the centres.
Why do you work in magazines?
Because we are fans of print and publishing as material persistent manifestations.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
Social science research and textile design.
What would you change about Hinterlands if you could?
We would love to be working from one light, spacious, shared office, but at the moment we are living in different places and mostly meet online. And we would like to pay higher fees to the people we work with and start to pay ourselves.
Where do you see Hinterlands in five years?
There are different plans and lots of more colours to come. One thing we are very much looking forward to is a special ‘rainbow edition’ for 10th (or so) anniversary!
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