Mold Magazine issue 2
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Dec 2017

Published out of New York, Mold looks at the way good design can affect positive change. They want to provide an antidote to foodie culture — the fetishisation of the things we eat — focusing instead on technology and innovative design that can help to curb an imminent food crisis.
LinYee Yuan
Job title
Founder & Editor
What is Mold?
Mold is an editorial platform about designing the future of food.
What makes it different to the rest?
Mold Magazine is the first print magazine about the future of food. We tell stories about the ideas and people that will help us feed 9 billion people by the year 2050. Our focus on design-driven solutions is intentional — we believe that designers are trained to engage in interdisciplinary ways, to ask the right questions, and to offer scalable, human-centred solutions that can have impact. We’re inspired by innovations from the worlds of agriculture, technology, science, engineering and gastronomy and believe that design can help translate these ideas into products and systems that will be seamlessly embraced by people in their day-to-day lives.
Who makes Mold?
Mold Magazine is a creative effort led by a core team of four: edited by myself and Dr. Johnny Drain with art direction and graphic design by Eric Hu and Matt Tsang. Besides a creative roster of writers, chefs, designers and visual artists, each issue will also have contributing editors leveraging their area of expertise. Issue 02, A Seat at the Table, is co-edited by Monica Khemserov and Jill Singer of the online design magazine Sight Unseen. I should also mention our backers — without the over 700 people who supported our Kickstarter campaign, we wouldn’t have been able to fund production for the magazine!
Who reads it?
Mold is for those who love food and culture, not foodie culture. Design lovers and those who are interested in engaging more deeply with questions around what and how we eat form the core support for the magazine.
Why do you work in magazines?
I’ve always had a passion for print magazines and believe that print is a powerful medium for storytelling. People engage with print in a different way — it’s visceral, transportive and slow. I like that you can always return to a magazine after you’ve put it down and the information is still there, waiting to be discovered.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
We also publish online (, post regularly through our social channels @thisismold and are working on a documentary film series for 2018. Look out for the return of our #MOLDMonthly conversations around designing the future of food and a conference fall of 2018!
What would you change about Mold if you could?
I would love to publish more than twice a year but as of now, our small team works on the print magazine as a nights and weekends project.
Where do you see Mold in five years?
Through the magazine, community events and our online platforms, I hope that we can cultivate a thriving and active community of big thinkers who can offer tangible, scalable and beautiful solutions for our coming food crisis.
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