Insider: OOMK magazine
London-based OOMK (One Of My Kind) is an art collective and biannual magazine / zine focused around the imaginations, creativity and spirituality of women.
Following the launch of their fifth issue, I caught up with founding trio Sofia Niazi, Rose Nordin and Heiba Lamara, to go behind the scenes on the music, disagreements and DIY adventures that went into the making of the magazine.

In the making of this issue we…
Collecting! We were interested in the role collecting plays in artistic practices of women and how various types of collecting reflect and inform our identity.

Listened to
Each other clicking and typing frantically. And Mitski on Spotify.
Procrastinated with
Planning DIY Cultures, an annual day festival exploring intersections of art and activism, and organising the launch for The Library Was publication with Book Works at London Centre for Book Arts.
Age of Earthquakes by Shuman Basher, and Exhausted Geographies designed by our friend Abeera Kamran.

Argued about
Colour, content, paper size – basically everything.

Went to
Offprint London, where we made zines and Gifs and saw Steve!
Doing a photoshoot and being a stylist with Ellie Smith.
Were excited about
Decorating Bushra’s denim jacket for the cover.

Were relieved that
The issue arrived printed in time for the launch at DIY cultures.

And everyone should buy a copy because
There aren’t many left! ;–)
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