Delayed Gratification issue 2
Delivered to Stack subscribers in
May 2011

When it launched in January 2011, Delayed Gratification introduced the world to the concept of slow journalism; in an age of instant comment and 24-hour rolling news, it takes a more careful, considered approach to what’s going on in the world. Each issue looks back over the last three months to present big news stories and miscellaneous oddities with the benefit of hindsight, mixing long form journalism with clever infographics and expert analysis, it’s a great read and a totally fresh way of seeing the news.
Rob Orchard
Job title
Editorial Director, The Slow Journalism Company
What is Delayed Gratification?
It’s the UK’s first slow journalism magazine – a beautiful quarterly that curates the events of the last three months, revisits stories after the dust has settled and cuts out the white noise of the 24-hour news cycle
What makes it different to the rest?
Delayed Gratification is proud to be ‘Last to Breaking News’. We go back to events that were picked up then quickly forgotten by the rest of the news media and tell the story in full, with the benefit of hindsight. We mix longer-form reportage and investigative pieces with beautiful infographics that draw out the patterns of the last three months and almanac-style write-ups on stories you may have missed. Every cover features work by an artist we love – issue one was by Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the Obama ‘Hope’ poster, and issue two was an original piece by Iraqi calligrapher Hassan Massoudy.
Who makes Delayed Gratification?
A small team of editors who have worked together on and off for years, an art editor and a big network of freelancers.
Who reads it?
People who want substantial, considered features rather than knee-jerk, partisan opinions and who love the look and feel of a beautifully designed and printed publication.
Why do you work in magazines?
I love the fact that ideas are the currency of good magazines and that each one is packed with tons of them. You can bring together lots of totally disparate subjects in one place, united only by the fact that they’re fascinating. I also love how passionate people feel about magazines they identify with and respect.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
I’m just focusing on the print magazine at the moment, although I do have lots of future plans for The Slow Journalism Company.
What would you change about Delayed Gratification if you could?
We’re already increasing the number of long form investigative pieces we do – I’d like that to continue. Otherwise not a huge amount. I love this mag.
Can you pick a favourite issue of Delayed Gratification?
Ha! Well, we’re just about to bring out issue two and I can’t wait to see it. It’s crammed with good stuff – dozens of intriguing, funny, challenging features, infographics, interviews and cartoons. I loved issue one, but I think issue two feels more focused and sharper.
Where do you see Delayed Gratification in five years?
I’d like it to have a large and happy group of subscribers who look forward to each issue as a treat and who have built up a great collection of the magazine on their bookshelves.
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