Good Sport 5
Delivered to Stack subscribers in  Jan 2022

by Heval Okcuoglu in February 2022
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Good Sport is a Melbourne-based magazine that takes an off-beat look at the world of sport — this issue includes a photo essay made by people who get up early to exercise; the story of the football team of Rohingya refugees who play in Brisbane’s suburban league; and an article investigating what sport smells like. This issue also does away with page numbers, preferring instead to present its stories in alphabetical order, with tabbed sections that allow readers to jump straight into different parts of the magazine, encouraging lots of flicking backwards and forwards rather than a single linear route from front to back.

James Whiting

Job title
Team Captain

What is Good Sport?
An anti-sport sports magazine.

What makes it different from the rest?
Our version of sport exists alongside and within everything else in the world around. It is not something that you participate in and then exit. It is open ended, formative and there for the taking.

Who makes Good Sport?
Ben Clement, Tim Leeson, Joëlle Thomas, Griea Taylor and me.

Who reads it?
Athletes, artists, designers, lovers, haters, thinkers, makers, friends, enemies.

Why do you work in magazines?
It’s interesting to challenge a tradition-bound cultural practice from within a tradition-bound medium.

Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
Photography, music, running, bad jokes.

What would you change about Good Sport if you could?
The limitation of magazines having to be made of paper, for now.

Where do you see Good Sport in five years?
The Hall of Fame.

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